This Is Me <33

Okay so where do I begin? Probably right here right? Let me start off by telling you a little about myself and my crazy family.Well let me start off by saying I'm a lesbian. And may I say I am damn proud of it! Not many people can say they are proud to be who they truely are deep down inside. I don't blame them, I mean with the ignorance that lingers among many people I was that person once. It really sucks hiding in a dark closet not knowing what awaits outside. But guess what I did. I said forget it and who cares what everyone else thinks. I'm me and I am proud to be me. Yea there's a lot of troubles and heartaches that come with being a lesbian (or gay or bi or transexual, whatever the case may be), but you learn to overcome every obstacle and curve ball life may bring to you. Shit when I first came out to my mom little did I know her ass was gonna come out to me also. SUPRISE! She was with her girlfriend for 5 years before she finally came out to me. It wasn't a big shocker though. Growing up I have always had what they call "GAYDAR" and when I saw my mom watching ELLEN (who I absolutely love and admire) this little noise in my head went off that definately confirmed my suspicions. It kinda sounded like a car alarm. You know like when someone just smashed your car window open and stole your last Newport you were saving for a rainy drive to New Hope.  I know it sounds horrible what I am about to say and really its not as bad, but I think I loved my mom more after that than I ever did before. I mean I loved her to death before that but still. Mainly for the reason being is because she and I had something new in common. It was cool. Sooo cool. Hey! You want to know what's even more cool? My brother is gay also!! Go figure right?! Yeah. My friend and I actually got one of our gay friends to make my brother come out. Why may you ask? Well once again it was that damn car alarm. Only this time it went off the first time I met him when he came out of the woumb. I new he wasn't happy and I could tell something deep down inside was bothering him. He had that same look that I had when I didn't know how to come out to everyone. So I gave him a little sister loving push. And I am so damn glad he is out! Not only because it made him happier, but because once again my GAYDAR was on point again =]. Well there you have it. That's our little family trio in a nutshell. Literally. Now grab hold to my skrawny retarded fingers and join me in to a journey full of cries, laughter, courage and pure stupidity. HAHA I'm such an idiot.